“There is no such thing as a bad insurance policy”

That's what I tell my clients when I tell them the difference between a term policy and a cash value policy, because they like the tax- free component, but I always tell them "there is no such thing as a bad insurance policy, each type has a different job". What do I mean by that?Continue reading "“There is no such thing as a bad insurance policy”"

Save money tax- free with guarantees…

Is that possible? Yes it is. Most people think about retirement in the traditional way, get a job and open a 401K and hope it grows, not understanding the rules of how these work and the future taxes you'll have on them. Is there an alternative? One is a Roth IRA but you're limited onContinue reading "Save money tax- free with guarantees…"

Dare to dream again!

I know most people right now are just thinking where their next paycheck will come from, how will they pay rent, will they have money for food, etc. But there are always people who thrive in hard economic times. Right now the industry in the financial sector is booming, with people being uncertain about theirContinue reading "Dare to dream again!"

Life insurance and coronavirus

These are some scary times, fighting a virus that's invisible but can be potentially deadly or can affect your vital organs. People now are scared, with questions such as "what happens if I get infected? Can I still qualify for life insurance?". Just know that if you did get infected, which can happen to anybody,Continue reading "Life insurance and coronavirus"

Who is World Financial Group?

World Financial Group is a Broker Dealer with contracts with 70 different providers. It's a company with the mission of wanting to help families get on track financially and it also allows their agents to create a part-time income opportunity, unlike other Brokers who require their agents to be full-time. How does it work? YouContinue reading "Who is World Financial Group?"

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