
“There is no such thing as a bad insurance policy”

That's what I tell my clients when I tell them the difference between a term policy and a cash value policy, because they like the tax- free component, but I always tell them "there is no such thing as a bad insurance policy, each type has a different job". What do I mean by that?Continue reading "“There is no such thing as a bad insurance policy”"


Save money tax- free with guarantees…

Is that possible? Yes it is. Most people think about retirement in the traditional way, get a job and open a 401K and hope it grows, not understanding the rules of how these work and the future taxes you'll have on them. Is there an alternative? One is a Roth IRA but you're limited onContinue reading "Save money tax- free with guarantees…"

“My agent told me to buy term”

I read so many takes on twitter about money, about insurance agents "pushing the Index Universal Life policy", about "just buy term" or "I offer Whole Life over the IUL because it pays dividends". All of this comes from so- called financial advisors or people who say they have their best interest in the consumer,Continue reading "“My agent told me to buy term”"

A Roth IRA doesn’t solve everything

It's been a while since I last wrote an article. I have been on twitter more often just reading other people's opinions on finance. The more I read, the more I realize the lack of knowledge there is when it comes to life insurance. Unfortunately everybody pushes an agenda and will directly say that aContinue reading "A Roth IRA doesn’t solve everything"

To disclose or not to disclose…

People don't like to pay for things. People don't like to spend on anything. People want life insurance to be cheap BUT... -They smoke: "don't say you smoke, it'll be more expensive!", but at the time of the claim, if the insurance company finds out you did smoke they can reduce or even deny theContinue reading "To disclose or not to disclose…"

“I don’t know what my car insurance policy covers”

Do you know if you're properly insured if you get in to an accident? Did anybody ever explain what those numbers on your policy mean? Photo courtesy of https://www.thepointinsurance.com/products/auto-insurance The minimum coverage for California is $15,000 per person injured/ $30,000 for the entire accident and $5,000 in property damage. Have you ever looked at yourContinue reading "“I don’t know what my car insurance policy covers”"

What happens if I get covid? And other thoughts…

It's the question most people have in general, but since here we cover aspects of life insurance, I just wanted to let you know that if you apply for a policy and you test positive for the virus, the insurance company will place your file on hold for 30 days. Once you are recovered, youContinue reading "What happens if I get covid? And other thoughts…"

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