Decisions, decisions…

From the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep, we’re deciding. We decide what to eat, we decide how to spend our time, we decide if we should sit and watch TV for hours or should we read a book. Should we have a hamburger and ice- cream or salad and a fruit? Unfortunately people don’t take their time to plan their future for their retirement, that’s something that “I’ll get around it” and the years pass you by. All of a sudden you reached 50 and you’re so far behind that then you expect the magic pill.

I have so many people I’ve ran in to at 55 or above who haven’t saved a dime for retirement, banking on social security and government benefits and living their last years until it’s all done. Sounds depressing, doesn’t it? Unfortunately that’s a lot of people out there, who tell me “I have life insurance through my job and a 401K” but then don’t decide to do anything different. Did you know that if you leave your job, you lose your life insurance? And why would you only want one year of your salary as your benefit?

Losing a bread winner in the home isn’t just financially, it’s also the person who is no longer physically there. It took my family about 3- 4 years to get used to not having my dad around when he passed away at 48 years- old, me being 12 and my brother 15 after a long battle against a brain tumor. My mom had to go work 12 hours a day to put food on the table. Years later I found out that my dad had a life insurance policy and he let it lapse, saying “I’ll get around it later”. If the agent that sold my dad his policy would’ve done a proper job, he would’ve at least followed up with him and explained to him to keep it, but I can almost for sure, knowing how hard my dad worked and constantly saying “I want to leave my kids set and not suffer financially”, that he probably never got followed up with.

If you the reader are reading this and thinking to yourself “I feel like he’s talking to me”, well… I am talking to you. Don’t leave your family behind because of a procrastination, because you want everything to be perfectly aligned and so on and so forth, take action today!

The worst decision is indecision…

Published by Daniel Chalian

Thank you for stopping by. I'm Life and Health Licensed through the State of California, but I can service all 50 States. My intention is to help guide you through this maze that is life insurance and to also be able to truly understand how to plan for your future. No Family Left Behind.

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