Get insured!

I always am thankful that I learned about this business and that I became aware of life insurance, the costs and the different plans out there. With all these viruses going around today, why not get insured? I recently insured a man for $250,000, he decided on Friday to increase his coverage to $500,000. That was going to be $140 a month, to which he said “I spend that on other things anyway, might as well use it the right way”.

It saddens me every single time I see the little box at a restaurant and people asking for donations to bury their loved ones. A lot of times it happens because of not knowing who to ask, not being asked or because somebody didn’t push them to fill out an application. According to the latest statistic, between 54 and 63% of people own a policy. And I can guarantee you that percentage decreases when looking at how much insurance that person has and the type of policy. It reduces itself even more if there’s a way to see the income of the families getting protected, because most families, if they’re making less than $100,000 a year they don’t even have somebody to talk to regarding all of this.

As you’re reading this article you might find yourself without life insurance and thinking of either the excuses of why you don’t want to get it or making these calculations in your head of what the cost is. You can’t look at it as a cost, because what will the cost be of leaving your family without your income? What will your kids do? Having something is better than not having anything…

If you have any questions, I can definitely help! Feel free to contact me.

Published by Daniel Chalian

Thank you for stopping by. I'm Life and Health Licensed through the State of California, but I can service all 50 States. My intention is to help guide you through this maze that is life insurance and to also be able to truly understand how to plan for your future. No Family Left Behind.

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